The Use of Beeswax Wraps and 10 Benefits

beeswax wrap for food how to use

Beeswax wraps  – otherwise waxed food wrappers – is a natural alternative to food film in our home kitchen.

So far, we are not used to use it. However, more and more people are interested in this innovation and are determined to try it. One of the reasons that beeswax wraps replace the plastic food film that we throw away once. And the wax wraps can be used many times. Hence, it is financially beneficial as there is no need to constantly buy plastic food film. And we don’t pollute the environment with plastic waste.
A study in the United States found that, on average, one American family consumes up to 24 rolls of plastic film per year. The rest of the world should be added. And all this is unrecycled and remains on the surface of the Earth.

What is a beeswax wrap, how to use it and how to care for it?

The beeswax wrap is made of natural cotton fabric covered with natural beeswax.

It may also contain Jojoba oil, coconut oil or pine gum rosin. Because of these natural ingredients, beeswax wraps are breathable, so food covered with such linen breathes. In addition, beeswax and jojoba oil give the canvas an antibacterial effect, so the food stays fresh longer.

Use of beeswax wrap

To cover the bowl, simply wrap it in a beeswax cloth and hold it between your hands for a few minutes to allow the cloth to warm up from the heat of your hands and take the shape of the bowl and stick to the walls. The wrap sticks better to a smooth surface than to a canvas. It is also better to use a larger canvas so that would be enough to cover the entire desired surface and still allow the fabric to stick to the walls.

Beeswax canvas can be used in many ways:

  • Cover food in bowls or plates;
  • Wrap sandwiches;
  • Wrap various pastries;
  • Wrapping half an onion, apple or avocado;
  • Covering the cheese;
  • And everything else you can use plastic wrap for!

Beeswax wrap care

Keep the wrap away from direct sunlight. Do not wrap hot food, do not use it in the oven or in the microwave – the wax will simply melt.
It is also not recommended to wrap meat and fish – especially raw – after such products the canvas needs to be washed with hot water, which can damage the wax layer.
Do not cut the products on the canvas – you will damage the wax layer.

However, if scratches appear on the wax layer of the canvas, this can be corrected:

  • Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius;
  • Place a piece of baking paper or (if you do not use paper) unwanted cloth in the baking tray;
  • Put the wax cloth in the tray;
  • Store in a preheated oven for up to 5 minutes;
  • Remove from the oven and carefully (it will be hot!) remove the wax cloth from the baking tray and soak in the air for about 20 seconds or until the wax is no longer wet.
  • Well, your canvas is like new!

How to clean beeswax wrap?

Just wash your hands with warm (not hot) water. If necessary, use a mild detergent and a sponge, but do not scrape or drill. After washing, wipe lightly with a kitchen towel.

For how long beeswax wrap can be used?

The wrap used and maintained in this way will be valid for a really long time, a year or even longer. After that, the wax wears off and the wrapper is not as moisture-proof or sticky.

In summary, what are the benefits of beeswax wraps?

  1. Easy to use;
  2. Has antibacterial properties;
  3. Food stays fresh longer;
  4. Can be used in a variety of ways;
  5. Reusable;
  6. 100% natural ingredients;
  7. Without plastic;
  8. Naturally biodegradable;
  9. Financially rewarding;
  10. Non-toxic;

Try natural beeswax wraps – this will help reduce plastic pollution – you can just re-wax, compost or burn it after use.